GreenAmp Marine is an Impressed Current Cathodic Protection system (ICCP) for ship’s hulls bearing where the amount of protective current is controlled automatically to maintain accurately at all times a pre-set level of protection. The GreenAmp Marine system can be remotely monitored and is unique in that it data logs operational and protection levels.
The GreenAmp Marine system is simply an arrangement of anodes and reference electrodes which are wired to a control panel. While the controlling electrodes measure the electrical potential at the seawater interface it will send a signal to the control panel. The control panel will automatically raise or lower the output to the anodes so that the best level of corrosion protection is maintained continuously. The anode surrounds the dielectric shield which helps to send the current over the total hull surface including the areas around the propellers and rudder. This way the corrosion is completely neutralised.
The GreenAmp system also logs the vessel GPS position and provides a continuing track of the vessels movements/location on a weekly basis.
The GreenAmp Monitor system is designed to allow either sacrificial anode systems or impressed current systems to be monitored and logged electronically. The advantage is that it does not need 4-20mA signal conditioners and can be fitted with no other sophisticated power or PLC communication systems.