Link-Seal® modular seals are considered to be the premier
method for permanently sealing pipes of any size passing through walls,
floors and ceilings. In fact, any cylindrical object may be quickly,
easily and permanently sealed, as they pass through barriers, by the
patented Link-Seal® modular seal design.
Ductile iron, concrete, metal as well as plastic pipes may be
hydrostatically sealed within walls to hold up to 20 psig (40 feet of
static head). Electrical or telecommunications cable may be sealed
within conduit as they enter vaults or manholes. The annular space
between carrier pipes passing through casings may be sealed against the
entry of water, soil or backfill material.
With a wide variety of hardware/ elastomer combinations, Link-Seal
modular seals are easily configured to achieve the best possible match
for service conditions encountered. High temperature seals, fire seals
(Factory Mutual Approved) and oil resistant seals may be ordered to meet
special or unique service applications. For the system approach, metal
or non-conductive Century-Line® sleeves with water stops may be ordered
with Link-Seal modular seals to ensure correct positioning and a water
tight seal of the installation within poured concrete walls. Link-Seal
modular seals are also available for a wide variety of special
applications, temperature extremes, exotic chemical combinations and for
“out of round” or non-centered applications.